Route D27 | Morville, 76119 Offranville · Varengeville-sur-Mer, DIEPPE, France
On the top of the Ailly cliffs, surrounded by gardens and woods, Varengeville church dominates the sea.
Originally built in the 12th century, then enlarged in the 16th century, the building has resisted storms and the assault of the waves that gnaw at the cliffs below. This chapel is made iridescent by the peaceful blue colours of the Tree of Jesse stained glass window, the work of Georges Braque
Route D27 | Morville
76119 Offranville · Varengeville-sur-Mer,
District: DIEPPE, France
Tel: +33(0)2 35 85 12 46
CIMÉTIÈRE & ÉGLISE SAINT-VALERY DE VARENGEVILLE-SUR-MER, Route D27 | Morville, 76119 Offranville · Varengeville-sur-Mer, District: DIEPPE, France